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About Cheapflights

Cheapflights is a travel meta search engine that was founded in 1996 by John Hatt. Cheapflights travel is a part of which is a subsidiary of Booking Holdings. offers cheap flight options from big and small airlines as well as discounted hotel and car hire options. There are many destinations available on the website from North America to Africa. It is possible to buy tickets to a family holiday in Spain as well as a business meeting in the United States for small prices. Checkout Cheapflights before booking your next flight to find the best prices for best services.

What Are the Services Offered by Cheapflights?

Cheapflights holidays can be easily booked from the website. There are many Cheapflights flights, Cheapflights hotels and Cheapflights car hire options for every budget. Cheapflights flight and hotel bookings can be done by putting down your designated time and place of travel to the search bar. Then you can find the best flights available for you and you can complete your Cheapflights hotel booking following the same steps. Cheapflights car rental comes with great discounts and you can even find domestic hotels on Cheapflights from the big variety of holiday hotels on Cheapflights.

How Can I Become a Member of Cheapflights?

Is Cheapflights membership free? It is completely free to become a Cheapflights member. In order to become a member and reach Cheapflights special member pricings, go to and click on the human icon at the top right corner. You can sign in using your, Apple, Google and Facebook accounts or register using your email. There is only one type of membership so there are no Cheapflights silver member or Cheapflights gold member options.

How to Book a Hotel on Cheapflights

Booking a hotel on Cheapflights can be done in minutes from the website. Put down your travel time and place to the search bar go through the available options to find a hotel in your price range that meets your needs. Once you find the hotel, complete your hotel booking and your Cheapflights reservation code will be sent to you. You can also check your Cheapflights reservations from your profile. Do not forget to check out Cheapflights last minute options for great deals.

Cheapflights Payment Methods

Cheapflights is a website that is based on the pay-per-click method. The company does not pay any fees from you and handles any payments. You will be forwarded to the airline’s website to pay. Check out Cheapflights payment terms to learn more about Cheapflights payment options.

Is Cheapflights Trustworthy?

Is Cheapflights safe to book a flight? Yes, Cheapflights is trustworthy. Cheapflights is a popular website that has a great reputation amongst its customers. The website is easy to use and finds the best flight and hotel deals in seconds. Cheapflights does not take any fees from you and protects your information with the latest cyber security systems.

Cheapflights Reviews and Complaints

You can frequently visit for the latest Cheapflights reviews, Cheapflights complaints and Cheapflights customer service complaints. Go to to make complaints against Cheapflights.

Cheapflights Customer Service

In order to contact Cheapflights customer service, you can call 1-888-922-8849 24/7 and send a letter to 200 South Wacker Drive. Suite 1900. Chicago, IL 60606. You can also send an email to Cheapflights customer service email address by filling out the form on the website.

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